2023-ongoing: Adolescent Health Survey data sharing: Leading on the development of new ways to showcase the McCreary Centre Society’s five-yearly survey data on youth health in British Colombia. Developing new ways to share top-line findings, encourage data access for a range of professionals, and promote key messages. Working closely with the staff and Youth Research Academy to ensure that the data is used in ways which are effective and values-driven.
2022-ongoing: Youth Voices: Providing training and support to a group of care experienced young people through ATD Fourth World UK to conduct peer research and identify key findings around the links between poverty and contact with social services and the care system. Supporting all stages of the research process and contributing to dissemination with young people at national and international policy events.
2020-2023: Understanding Family and Community Vulnerabilities in Transition to Net Zero: Working with the Young Foundation. Contributing to project design, data collection, and writing to ensure that a strong consideration of poverty and its structural and relational causes were central to this project, and that findings were generated with an anti-poverty perspective at their centre.
2019-2023: Social Exclusion in Adolescence: Risks, assets, experiences and policy action: In partnership with three Australian universities and The Smith Family charity, contributing to design, theoretical development, and writing for this project which drew on quantitative and qualitative secondary data to investigate the structural barriers to inclusion for young people in Australia.
2019-2022: Barriers to Attendance: Investigating young people’s perspectives on poverty-related barriers to school attendance in Leeds on behalf of Leeds City Council, via focus groups and a survey of young people aged 11-17. Providing key findings and recommendations on supporting young people in poverty.
2019-2022: Talking About Poverty Toolkit: Recruiting and training and group of young people to co-develop a toolkit for the End Child Poverty Coalition to support young people and community groups wanting to better understand and take action on child poverty. Supporting the development of a Youth Ambassador Scheme to ensure that young people remain central to the organisation’s work.
2018-2019: A Different Take: Promoting the voices of children, young people and families with experience of poverty: In partnership with Leeds City Council and the Child Poverty Action Group, I led the development, training and support of panels of experiential experts (children, young people and parents), policy makers, practitioners and academics to conduct peer research and develop a community-based understanding of poverty in Leeds and London. It led to the overhaul of Leeds City Council policies on child poverty, and the development of ‘Thriving’, their child poverty strategy.
2016-2018: Fair Shares and Families: Leading this project in partnership with The Children’s Society, investigating children’s and families’ perspectives on how family resources are shared, to develop a child-centred understanding of household processes and how they link to poverty and well-being for children and families. Developing quantitative measures and qualitative insights into family processes and generating recommendations for policy and practice.
2014-2017: Material Deprivation and Social Exclusion Among Youth Australians: A Child-Focussed Approach: Supporting the replication of my PhD research (see below) in New South Wales.
2013-2015: Children’s Worlds: Contributing to this international survey of child well-being as part of the England team and co-author of national and international reports.
2010-14: UK Poverty and Social Exclusion Study: working on the development, analysis and interpretation of findings relating to child poverty, and developing key messages for policy, practice and academic audiences with a view to contributing to poverty reduction in the UK. Developing multiple reports and outputs including a co-edited book, educational resources, and policy briefings.