Academic peer-reviewed articles
Brandao, C.M., Spaolonzi Queiroz Assis, A.E. and Main, G. (2023) ‘Law 11.947/2009: The national school food program revisited’. In Direito Publico vol.19 no.104.
Redmond, G., Main, G., O’Donnell, A.W., Skattebol, J., Woodman, R., Mooney, A., Wang, J., Turkmani, S., Thomson, C. and Brooks, F. (2022) ‘Who excludes? Young people’s experience of social exclusion’. In Journal of Social Policy Online First, DOI: 10.1017/S0047279422000046.
Chzhen, Y., Howarth, C. and Main, G. (2022) ‘Deprivation and intra-family conflict: Children as agents in the Family Stress Model’. In Journal of Marriage and Family vol.84 no.1 pp121-140.
Cortes-Morales, S. and Main, G. (2022) ‘Needs or wants? Children and parents understanding and negotiating needs and necessities’. In Childhood Vulnerability Journal vol.4 no.1 pp13-36.
Marquez, J. and Main, G. (2021) ‘Can schools and education policy make children happier? A comparative study in 33 countries’. In Child Indicators Research vol.14 no.1 pp283-339.
Weinberg, D., Stevens, W.J.M., Currie, C., Delaruelle, K., Dierkens, M., Lenzi, M., Main, G. and Finkenauer, C. (2021) ‘Country-level meritocratic beliefs moderate the social gradient in adolescent mental health: A multilevel study in 30 European countries’. In Journal of Adolescent Health vol.68 no.3 pp548-557.
Howarth, C., McCartney, C., Mansfield, M. and Main, G. (2020) ‘A Different Take: Reflections on an intergenerational participatory research project on child poverty’. In Social Work and Society vol.18 no.3.
Main, G. (2019) ‘Money Matters: A nuanced approach to understanding the relationship between household income and child subjective well-being’. In Child Indicators Research vol.12 no.4 pp1125-1145.
Main, G. (2018) ‘Fair shares and families: A child-focused model of intra-household sharing’. In Childhood Vulnerability Journal vol.1 no.1 pp31-49.
Main, G., Montserrat, C., Andresen, S., Bradshaw, J. and Joo Lee, B. (2017) ‘Inequality, material well-being and subjective well-being: Exploring associations for children across 15 diverse countries’. In Children and Youth Services Review vol.97 pp3-13.
Main, G. (2017) ‘Child poverty and subjective well-being: The impact of children’s perceptions of fairness and involvement in intra-household sharing’. In Children and Youth Services Review vol.97 pp49-58.
Kaye-Tzadok, A., Kim, S. S. and Main, G. (2017) ‘Children’s subjective well-being in relation to gender – what can we learn from dissatisfied children?’. In Children and Youth Services Review vol.80 pp96-104.
Kim, S. and Main, G. (2017) ‘Comparing child subjective well-being in South Korea and the UK: Testing an ecological systems approach’. In Child Indicators Research vol.10 no.1 pp19-32.
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2016) ‘Child poverty in the UK: Measures, prevalence and intra-household sharing’. In Critical Social Policy vol.36 no.1 pp38-61.
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2014) ‘Children’s necessities: Trends over time in perceptions and ownership’. In Journal of Poverty and Social Justice vol.23 no.3 pp193-208.
Main, G. (2014) ‘Child poverty and children’s subjective well-being’. In Child Indicators Research vol.7 no.3 pp451-472.
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2012) ‘An index of child material deprivation’. In Child Indicators Research vol.5 no.3 pp503-521.
Skinner, C. and Main, G. (2012) ‘The Contribution of Child Maintenance Payments to The Income Packages of Lone Mothers’. In Journal of Poverty and Social Justice vol.21 no.1 pp47.60.
Academic book chapters
Main, G. (2018) ‘Innovating methods, informing policy and challenging stigma’. In Dermott, E. and Main, G. (2018) Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK – Volume 1: The nature and extent of the problem. Bristol: Policy Press.
People, L., Abdallah, S., Rees, G. and Main, G. (2018) ‘Ways to well-being for children’. In Coles, R., Costa, S. and Watson, S. (Eds) Pathways to Well-being in Design. London: Routledge.
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2018) ‘Improving Lives? Child poverty and social exclusion’. In Dermott, E. and Main, G. (2018) Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK – Volume 1: The nature and extent of the problem. Bristol: Policy Press.
Bradshaw, J., Chzhen, K. and Main, G. (2017) ‘Impact of the recession on children in the United Kingdom’. In Cantillon, B, Chzhen, Y, Handa, S. and B Nolan (2017) Children of Austerity: Impact of the Great Recession on Child Poverty in Rich Countries. Oxford: OUP.
Main, G. (2016) ‘Poverty in England’. In Liborz, G. (Ed) Poverty in Europe. Katowice: University of Silesia Press.
Bradshaw, J. and Main, G. (2016) ‘Child poverty and deprivation’. In Bradshaw, J. (Ed) The well-being of children in the UK 4th edition. Bristol: Policy Press.
Rees, G. and Main, G. (2016) ‘Subjective well-being and mental health’. In Bradshaw, J. (Ed) The well-being of children in the UK 4th edition. Bristol: Policy Press.
Main, G. and Bessemer, K. (2014) ‘Children’s material living standards in rich countries’. In Ben-Arieh, A., Casas, F., Frones, I. and Korbin, J. (Eds) Handbook of child well-being. New York: Springer.
Edited books and collections
Dermott, E. and Main, G. (Eds) (2018) Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK Volume 1: Populations. Bristol, Policy Press.
Guest co-editor of a special issue of Child Indicators Research, with a focus on the second wave of the pilot of the International Survey of Child Well-being (ISCWeB) (Volume 8, issue 1).
Co-editor of the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 2017-2021.
Co-editor of Childhood Vulnerability Journal, 2018-2023.
Peer-reviewed research reports
Rees, G., Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2016) Children’s Worlds national report: England. Available from
Rees, G. and Main, G. (2016) Children’s views on their lives and well-being in 15 countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds survey, 2013-14. York: Children’s Worlds Project (ISCWeB).
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2014) Child poverty and social exclusion: Final report of the 2012 PSE study. Available from
Braund, M., Bennett, J., Main, G. and Hampden-Thompson, G. (2013) Teaching approach and success in A-level Biology. Report to the Nuffield Foundation. York: Department of Education, University of York.
Main, G. (2012) ‘The inclusion of child poverty in the PSE survey UK’. Conceptual note no.2, PSE UK.
Peer reviewed working papers
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2014) ‘The necessities of life for children’. PSE working paper number 6, PSE UK.
Main, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2014) ‘Child poverty and material deprivation’. PSE working paper, PSE UK.
Gordon, D., Mack, J., Lansley, Main, G., S., Nandy, S., Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. (2013) ‘The impoverishment of the UK’. PSE UK first summary report: Living standards. PSE working paper: PSE UK.
De Neubourg, C., Bradshaw, J., Chzhen, Y., Main, G., Martorano, B. and Menchini, L. (2012) ‘Child deprivation, multidimensional poverty and monetary poverty in Europe’. Innocenti Working Paper 2012-02, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.
Bradshaw, J., Chzhen, Y., de Neubourg, C., Main, G., Martorano, B. and Menchini, L. (2012) ‘Relative income poverty among children in rich countries’. Innocenti Working Paper 2012-01, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.
Bradshaw, J. and Main, G. (2010) PSE Measures Review Paper: Children’s Deprivation Items. Working paper series no.7. Available online at
Academic editorials
Main, G., Hick, R. and Paskell, C. (2021) ‘Remembering Terry Patterson’. In Journal of Poverty and Social Justice vol.29 no.2 pp133-135.
Andresen, S., Kopenig, J. and Main, G. (2018) ‘Editorial to the first issue of Childhood Vulnerability Journal’. In Childhood Vulnerability Journal vol.1 no.1 pp1-4.
=Dinisman, T., =Fernandes, L. and =Main, G. (2015) ‘Findings from the first wave of the ISCWeB project: International perspectives on child subjective well-being’. In Child Indicators Research vol.8 no.1 pp1-4.
Policy, practice and stakeholder reports
ADT Leeds Panel (including Main, G.) (2019) More Snakes Than Ladders: A report of the A Different Take Leeds Panel. Leeds: Leeds City Council.
ADT London Panel (including Main, G.) (2019) Pushing Back: Our take on life in poverty in London. London: Child Poverty Action Group.
Main, G. and Mahony, S. (2018) Fair Shares and Families: Rhetoric and reality in the lives of children and families in poverty. London: The Children’s Society.
Nandy, S. and Main, G. (2015) The consensual approach to child poverty measurement. CROP Brief 29.
Abdallah, S., Main, G. and Pople, L. (2014) Ways to Well-being: Exploring the links between children’s activities and their subjective well-being. London: The Children’s Society.
Pople, L., Raws, P., Mueller, D., Mahony, S., Rees, G., Bradshaw, J., Main, G. and Keung, A. (2014) The good childhood report 2014. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Goswami, H., Pople, L., Bradshaw, J., Keung, A. and Main, G. (2013) The good childhood report 2013. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Goswami, H., Pople, L., Bradshaw, J., Keung, A. and Main, G. (2012) The good childhood report 2012. London: The Children’s Society.
Main, G. and Pople, L. (2011) Missing out: A child-centred analysis of material deprivation and subjective well-being. London: The Children’s Society.
Snell, C.J., Main, G. and Wilson, S. (2009) Sustainable Schools Project: Deliverable one: First report for Wakefield Metropolitan District Council on the Sustainable Schools agenda. Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.
Snell, C.J. and Main, G. (2008) Water affordability: A literature and policy review. Consumer Council Water.
Policy and practice book chapters
Main, G. (2020) “Everyone’s Expecting Me to Fail”. In O’Connell, R. and Brannen, J. (Eds) 2020 Vision: Ending child poverty for good. London: CPAG.
Videos and other resources
‘Fair Shares and Families’: A short animation for policy makers, practitioners and members of the public, communicating key messages and actions from the Fair Shares and Families project. Available online from
‘More Snakes Than Ladders’: A video made by the ADT Leeds panel about their experiences of the research, including input from experiential, academic and policy experts on learning from the project. Available online from
‘Pushing Back’: A video made by the ADT London panel about their key issues and what they want from policy makers and practitioners based on their peer research. Available online from
Poverty-based Snakes and Ladders games: designed by the ADT Leeds panel, these games enable policy makers and practitioners to explore some of the experiences of living in poverty, and consider how they can implement better solutions based on experiential expertise.
‘Action Toolkit: Talking About Poverty’: A toolkit co-designed with young people with experiential expertise, to encourage community groups to have productive discussions about poverty and make plans to take action to end it. Available online from
Main, G. (March 2022) ‘A system of ‘care’ that harms children’. Article for ATD Fourth World, available at
Main, G. (September 2021) ‘Child ‘protection’ without participation just doesn’t work’. Article for ATD Fourth World, available at
Main, G. (December 2018) ‘Changing the story on child poverty’. A blog for the Asia and The Pacific Policy Society, available at
Main, G. (September 2018) ‘Parents and children living in poverty have the same aspirations as those who are better off’. Article on The Conversation, available at
Main, G. (February 2016) ‘Measuring child poverty: Proposed changes will push families into unacceptable hardship’. London School of Economics and Political Sciences British Politics and Policy Blog. Available online from
Bradshaw, J. and Main, G. (September 2014) ‘Water poverty in England and Wales: An update’. SPRU blog, available at
Bradshaw, J. and Main, G. (March 2014) ‘How many working poor parents might be able to work more?’. SPRU blog, available at
Bradshaw, J. and Main, G. (January 2014) ‘Impact of the recession on child poverty and deprivation in the UK’. Article for the PSE News and Views section, available at
Main, G. (October 2013) ‘Osborne workfare plan aims for jobs that don’t exist’. Article on The Conversation, available at
Main, G. (September 2013) ‘Michael Gove and the real picture of poverty in Britain’. Article on The Conversation, available at
Consultation submissions
End Child Poverty Coalition and Youth Voices (2023) (including Main, G.) ‘Examination of the United Kingdom’s 7th periodic report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’.
Main, G. (2018) ‘Rhetoric and reality: Children’s and families’ experiences of poverty: Evidence for the visit by the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty to the UK’.
Main, G. (2017) ‘Child poverty and adverse childhood experiences: Submission to the Science and Technology Committee Inquiry on evidence-based early-years intervention’.
Bessemer, K. and Main, G. (2013) ‘Consultation on poverty measurement’.